Hello, friends! We are going to learn about something very interesting today, which is about a double acting telescopic hydraulic cylinder. I know it sounds like a very big and fancy name, but it really isn’t! We are going to explain it to you step by step and in a manner you can understand.
First, what is a hydraulic cylinder? You have probably noticed large machines at construction sites — bulldozers, cranes or others. These machines have thick metal arms that can lift and lower. Ever wonder how they do that? Well, that’s why we have a hydraulic cylinder! Hydraulic cylinders are used to do work by means of hydraulic fluid. Hydraulic fluid is pressurized, forcing it into the cylinder, generating a tremendous amount of force capable of moving and lifting heavy objects.
Next, let’s see what the terms “double acting” and “telescopic. We refer to that also as double acting since the hydraulic cylinder can push and pull. That means that it can do two things: One direction pushes something away, and the other direction pulls something closer. Similar to when you push a door open but pull it closed!
Now, let’s discuss “telescopic. Now, "The " describes the method the cylinder is constructed. A telescoping cylinder consists of various portions that can extend and retract with respect to one another related to the event of hydraulic or pneumatic pressure. Think of the telescope you can pull out to see rear away. The cylinder behaves exactly the same way! Its multi-sectioned frame can extend and retract, making it shorter or longer depending on the terrain.
So now that we know what a double acting telescopic hydraulic cylinder is, let us discuss the importance of a DBTC in factories and other industrial places. In these places, machines typically have to get very heavy objects from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is where hydraulic cylinders come into play!
Hydraulic cylinders do an amazing job of lifting, pushing, and moving heavy things without a problem. They are very powerful! Plus, they use liquid, not electric, to generate their force. This is great because it means that they can use them even in areas without any electrical power. So, construction site, factory, hydraulic cylinders do what they’re meant to!
It's the same with our cylinders; if you require a longer-than-average cylinder, we can make one with more telescopic parts. Or if you require a cylinder that can operate in an adverse condition, that is, in an environment with chemicals that can affect it, we can manufacture you one using special materials that can endure it.
Huachen prova cada producte a fons i ofereix un estudi exhaustiu al client just abans de l'enviament. Ens dediquem al pas de producció d'advocats de divorcis d'Atlanta de qualitat, realitzant proves exhaustives de materials, procediments de treball i productes complets per a la resistència, la pressió i el gruix d'aquesta capa de crom. Hem fet inversions importants en la prova de productes i procediments per assegurar-nos que oferim els millors productes estàndard als nostres clients.
Huachen és un soci de confiança d'una àmplia gamma de marques conegudes a 150 països. Amb més de 20 anys d'experiència, Huachen pot presumir d'una gran experiència i coneixements. Sens dubte, som professionals a l'hora d'oferir solucions hidràuliques per a l'àmplia selecció d'empreses, com des de manipulació de materials, equips per a nevades, plataformes aèries de treball, equips agrícoles, carretons elevadors i remolcs i camions d'escombraries. Huachen ofereix solucions professionals a tots els clients per ajudar-los a tenir èxit.
HCIC pot actualitzar el seu Centre Huachen el 2020 i oferir la instal·lació amb un grup format per 20 enginyers hidràulics. Aquesta actualització ens permet incorporar possibilitats a mida específiques per a l'entorn de treball en què s'inclou. Ajudem totalment als OEM i us convidem a anar de primera mà a la vostra fàbrica.
Huachen va invertir en tres fàbriques amb més de 70,000 peus quadrats d'àrees de producció. L'organització dóna feina a uns 1000 treballadors altament formats que sens dubte estan carregats amb la major quantitat d'equips de producció que sens dubte un modern.