Have you ever noticed a dump trailer in action on a job site or farm? It is a highly practical machine that is essential in many jobs. Dump trailers are great for transporting many things such as dirt, rocks, and trash. These are supposed to help lift heavy loads. One of the reasons why dump trailers are so effective in their operations is telescopic cylinder technology.
One of the most essential components to the dump trailer's operation is a telescopic cylinder, also called a multi-stage cylinder. This cylinder assists the trailer in raising its bed high up in the sky to dump out whatever it’s been hauling. This technology makes loading and unloading much quicker and more efficient. For this reason, dump trailers have become indispensable tools for a wide range of work, whether you're on a construction site or working in a farming field.
We take quality very seriously at Huachen. Built for these tough jobs and the harsh environments in which they take place, our telescopic dump trailer cylinders are designed with durable materials and construction. They are built of sturdy, durable stuff, and they crafted with care to work great. Our cylinders remain durable so that you can get your work done quickly and efficiently, allowing you to remain focused on the primary functions of your position.
Huachen provides all kinds of telescopic hydraulic cylinders for dump trailers. We have the right solution whether you need small size cylinder for small construction project or bigger cylinder for bigger farm work. You can save time and doing your work more effectively, by using a telescopic hydraulic cylinder that is right for you.
Dump trailers are a type of heavy machinery, so safety is always a number one priority when using them. You do not want the person who is running the machine to be safe while operating. This is the reason behind Huachen's invention of strong energy-saving use telescopic cylinders that are safe and reliable.
Telecopic CylindersWith ""Last Technology and Safety Features"""" Ensuring subtle functionality and safety of your dump trailer. We also integrate essential safety features, including pressure relief valves and emergency stop switches, to help keep you and your employees well protected in the field. We do everything we can to ensure that everyone remains safe; health and safety come first.
We specialize in custom-built cylinders to suit your unique requirements -- our full-service facility designs and builds the exact cylinder you need for your application. We also offer unique mounts and other features that help make a dump trailer as functional as possible. We aim to assist you in getting the best out of your equipment so you can maximize productivity and profitability in your company or on your farm.
HCIC päivittää Huachen-keskuksensa vuoteen 2020 mennessä ja varustaa sen yhtenäisellä tiimillä, jossa on kaksikymmentä hydrauliinsinööriä. Tämä antaa meille mahdollisuuden tarjota räätälöityjä ratkaisuja työympäristöön. Olemme olleet todella vahva kumppani ja haluamme kutsua asiakkaamme tutustumaan meihin.
Huachen on tunnettujen tuotemerkkien luotettava toimittaja 150 maassa. Huomattavasti yli kahden vuosikymmenen kokemuksella Huachen voi ylpeillä runsaalla tietokokemuksella. Voit odottaa hydraulisia vastauksia monenlaisiin kysymyksiin. Näitä ovat materiaalinkäsittely, lumisadelaitteet, työlavat, maatalouden autonostimet, kuorma-autot ja perävaunut sekä jäteautot. Huachen on keskittynyt tarjoamaan asiantuntijavaihtoehtoja kaikille asiakkaillemme, mikä auttaa heitä menestymään.
Huachen tutkii jokaisen tuotteen tarkasti ja antaa asiakkaille kattavan raportin ennen toimitusta. Asetamme laadun etusijalle jokaisessa tuotannon vaiheessa ja suoritamme perusteellisia raaka-aineiden, työmenetelmien ja valmiiden tuotteiden testejä tämän kromikerroksen paineen, lujuuden ja paksuuden suhteen. Olemme nyt panostaneet merkittävästi tuotteiden ja menetelmien arviointiin varmistaaksemme, että tarjoamme asiakkaillemme laadukkaimpia tuotteita.
Huachen sitoutui kolmeen tehtaaseen, joissa on paljon yli 70 000 neliömetriä tuotantopajoja. Liiketoiminta työllistää noin 1000 ammattitaitoista työntekijää, jotka on valmistautunut mahdollisimman modernein tuotantovälinein.