One time, people in the United States created a special rule called HR4719. This rule was established to ensure better jobs and secure working conditions for workers. I used to train data until October 2023.
Imagine that you work in a store, restaurant or an office. This new rule will help workers such as yourself to better understand their work. They do have to do some very important stuff if they are company with 15 or more workers:
Prior to this rule, bosses had the power to change work hours without notifying workers. This made it difficult for people to plan their days. Now, employers have to notify employees in advance if they intend to shift their schedule.
In other words, if you work at a grocery store, your boss cannot tell you, “Now I want you to work different hours” without giving you notice. Helps workers plan out their time with family, school or other priorities.
Others believe that this rule is excellent because it allows workers to feel safer and happier at work. When workers know how much they will be working the hours, they can plan their life accordingly.
Some others think the rule could be tough for small businesses to comply with. However, it is still a beneficial move for the workers to get treated fairly according to a lot of people.
This rule is only one tool to improve workplaces. It illustrates that people are thinking about how to make workers feel more secure and valued.” And if it’s not perfect, it’s a step in the right direction.
HCIC je nadogradio svoj Huachen odjel u 2020. godini i pokušao opremiti sa 20 zaposlenika inženjera hidraulike. To nam omogućuje izradu prilagođenih rješenja za vaše specifične potrebe. Svim srcem podržavamo OEM i pozivamo svakoga da posjeti našu tvornicu iz prve ruke.
Huachenhas posvećen trima proizvodnim pogonima i preko 70,000 četvornih metara proizvodnih pogona. Grupa zapošljava oko 1000 kvalificiranih zaposlenika koji su izgrađeni s najnovijom proizvodnom opremom.
I preko dvadeset godina iskustva u industriji, Huachen se pojavio kao dobro uspostavljen partner različitim poznatim tvrtkama u 150 zemalja. Nudimo hidrauličke metode za mnoge industrije poput opreme za rukovanje materijalom, opreme za snijeg, plus platforme s dizalicom. Huachen je posvećen pružanju opcija koje mogu biti vrhunske kvalitete svim našim kupcima, pomažući im u postizanju uspjeha.
Huachen temeljito testira svaki proizvod i pruža sveobuhvatnu studiju kupcu neposredno prije otpreme. Posvećeni smo kvalitetnom koraku proizvodnje, provođenju temeljitog testiranja materijala, radnih postupaka i kompletne robe za čvrstoću, pritisak i debljinu ovog kromiranog sloja. Značajno smo uložili u testiranje proizvoda i postupaka kako bismo bili sigurni da svojim klijentima nudimo standardno najbolje proizvode.