Huachen is a special machine single stage hydraulic cylinder. It's a really strong and fast helper machine which can move all kinds of stuff and is fun to have. It has a piece called a piston that moves in and out of a tube. Think of a powerful robot arm that can easily pick up and carry heavy things without tiring.
This machine is so tiny it can get into spaces that other larger machines cannot fit. It enables people to work faster and better than ever before. It even operates quietly, like a remote partner in crime, while it’s not prone to much breakdown. It is the ability to move heavy objects without spending too much power.
The fluid that the machine uses to move is special. It is known as hydraulic fluid which is pretty much just a magic juice that allows the piston to move smoothly. As the piston moves, it can lift or move objects. It is like a powerful arm to assist workers in completing tasks effectively and easily. The liquid inside also assists in operating the machine quietly and without a heat build-up.
This awesome machine can be used in some many different places. This could be very useful at factories where people make things, workshops where people fix stuff, and other work places. It allows them to do work more effectively and more cost efficiently and makes their jobs easier.”
Moreover, this machine is energy-saving and does not create much mess. It works best for doing the work and assisting companies to become successful. Think of a small assistant for big tasks, no noise, no excessive power consumption. That is what this machine does!
I preko dvadeset godina iskustva u industriji, Huachen se pojavio kao dobro uspostavljen partner različitim poznatim tvrtkama u 150 zemalja. Nudimo hidrauličke metode za mnoge industrije poput opreme za rukovanje materijalom, opreme za snijeg, plus platforme s dizalicom. Huachen je posvećen pružanju opcija koje mogu biti vrhunske kvalitete svim našim kupcima, pomažući im u postizanju uspjeha.
Huachen pomno ispituje svaki proizvod i klijentu šalje izvješće koje je temeljito pregledano prije otpreme. Kvaliteta je naš glavni prioritet tijekom cijele faze proizvodnje kroz temeljito ocjenjivanje sirovina, radnih postupaka i gotovih proizvoda za čvrstoću, naprezanje kao i debljinu sloja kroma. Sada smo puno potrošili na testiranje opreme i operacija kako bismo bili sigurni da isporučujemo kvalitetne proizvode i usluge dobavljačima.
HCIC je vjerojatno do 2020. obnovio svoj Huachen centar i opremio ga, kao i ujedinjeni tim koji se sastoji od dvadeset hidrauličara. Ova nadogradnja nam omogućuje pružanje posebno prilagođenih rješenja prilagođenih vašim specifičnim željama. Mi smo čvrst OEM partner i želimo pozvati naše kupce da nas provjere.
Huachen je uložio u tri proizvodna pogona s više od 70,000 četvornih metara proizvodnih radionica. Zapošljava više od 1000 kvalificiranih radnika koji su izgrađeni s vjerojatno najvećom proizvodnom opremom koja će biti suvremena.