If you have been looking for a robust, durable hydraulic pump. The answer is Huachen elektrický hydraulický agregát! This pump is designed for utilization, to get your work done quickly and efficiently. This makes it versatile, catering to the needs of other applications you might have, making it suitable for several roles.
Our hydraulic pump can power small tools like drills and saws, or more extensive machines used in construction. Powered by its robust (15Hp & 25Hp) motor, this pump features an advanced hydraulic system that assures the power and reliability to get even the most heavy-duty jobs done with ease. And it will handle any job you give it, big or small.
Introduction: At Huachen, we are dedicated to delivering our customers with pumping solutions with the right efficiency and high performance. We provide reliable and smooth working DC electric hydraulic pumps that save energy while they work as hard as you. That means you can perform your tasks with reduced consumption, which is good for nature and also for the pocket.
The flexibility of our DC electric hydraulic pumps means you can modify them to meet your precise requirements. You also adjust the flow rate (how quickly the liquid moves) and pressure (the force at which it pushes) as needed so they are suited perfectly for specific tasks. This adaptability means our Huachen elektrický hydraulická pohonná jednotka are ideal for a range of sectors including construction, automotive and even aerospace.
Our pumps offer the speed and performance required to maintain a competitive edge with advanced hydraulic systems and durable electric motors. What is even better, their smart control systems allow you to manipulate the flow rate and pressure according to your application requirements. This guarantees that your pump is always operating at peak performance and efficiency.
Huachen DC electric hydraulic pumping systems are designed to give you maximum control and precision. Designed with features like advanced control systems, and highly accurate metering pumps which allow adjustment of flow as well as precision sensors which can catch pressure issues early on and prevent catastrophes. The precision of this Huachen hydraulická pohonná jednotka allows you to attain the finest results for your projects.
We are also really worried about safety. When it comes to your pumping systems, these include advanced safety features needed to ensure the continued protection of separated equipment and workers. This means you can be confident in your work knowing you are using a quality product. Our pumping systems are built to last, and when you invest in one today, it will generate returns for many years down the road.
HCIC zmodernizovalo svoje oddelenie Huachen v roku 2020 a skúste vybaviť zamestnancami 20 inžinierov, ktorí sú hydraulika. To nám umožňuje vyrábať na mieru určité riešenia pre vaše špecifické potreby. Z celého srdca podporujeme OEM a pozývame jedného, aby išiel do našej továrne z prvej ruky.
S nárastom viac ako dvadsaťročných skúseností v tomto odvetví sa Huachen stal uznávaným partnerom mnohých známych značiek v 150 krajinách. Hydraulické možnosti ponúkame jednoduchému množstvu firiem, vrátane snežných zariadení, manipulačných zdvíhacích pracovných plošín poľnohospodárskej techniky, automobilových zdvíhacích prívesov a nákladných vozidiel, ako aj smetiarskych vozidiel. Huachen sa venuje poskytovaniu vysokokvalitných možností všetkým našim klientom a navyše im pomáha stať sa úspešnými.
Huachen investoval do troch tovární s viac ako 70,000 1000 štvorcovými stopami výrobných plôch. Organizácia zamestnáva približne XNUMX vysokokvalifikovaných pracovníkov, ktorí sú rozhodne zaťažení väčším množstvom výrobných zariadení, ktoré sú rozhodne moderné.
Huachen každý produkt prísne testuje a pred odoslaním poskytuje zákazníkom podrobné informácie. Naša spoločnosť sa zameriava na kvalitu v každom kroku výroby prostredníctvom dôkladného testovania pracovných postupov surového obsahu a hotových služieb a produktov na pevnosť, silu a hrúbku chrómovej vrstvy. Chceme investovať veľa do preverovania produktov a operácií, aby sme zaistili, že našim predajcom dodávame kvalitné položky.